Our executive coaching assignments range from short-term immediate interventions to longer-term, ongoing relationships. Whether we are working with a valued employee the company wants to retain, a high potential employee or a recently hired or promoted individual, we customize the process to meet the needs of the sponsoring organization as well as the challenges facing the individual client. Our coaching philosophy is to approach each client in a non-judgmental fashion and tailor our approach according to the client’s needs and goals
A description of our executive coaching process follows:
Setting Clear Objectives and Establishing Contracts
Everyone has a role in helping a coaching assignment to be effective -- the individual being coached, the HR Business Partner, the boss and the coach. The initial contracting establishes a framework for each person's role and commitment to the process. It also serves as the agreement on how potential, performance and/or career issues will be addressed and measured including issues of confidentiality.
Assessment and Evaluation
We customize the use of a variety of assessment instruments and data gathering tools to ascertain as complete a picture as possible of the situation. Tools may include:
One on one, in person, 360 degree stakeholder interviews and summary reports
CCL’s Benchmarks or Executive Dimensions 360 assessments
Personality preferences including MBTI or DISC
Motivating and thinking style inventories
Personal and Professional Custom Questionnaire
Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument
FIRO-B Interpersonal Assessment
One of our greatest skills is in providing feedback. The feedback is provided using specific behavioral examples and is given after a thorough analysis of the instruments, interviews and other information. Our coaching style is to provide direct and candid feedback, yet deliver it with empathy and care so our clients can ‘hear’ it. The confidentiality of all who provided the information is strictly maintained.
Development Plan
With our assistance, a development plan is constructed by the individual to reinforce strengths and address areas in need of development. This plan is presented and vetted with the boss to ensure alignment. The plan is comprehensive and includes specific "on the job" opportunities to utilize and reinforce successful behaviors.
Follow-up Coaching and Consulting
Follow-up coaching and consulting takes place at regularly scheduled intervals. Real time problems and challenges are discussed and plans put in place to address them. Guidance is provided to the individual to "work the plan" and identification and reinforcement of new behaviors are reviewed.
Improving the individual performance of key employees…
A long-term, high potential female Ph.D. was not exhibiting optimum leadership skills and our client called us in to coach the employee. She needed to improve her leadership capabilities as well as fully assess her strengths and weaknesses against the competencies required at the next level. After initial resistance to the feedback data, with our coaching, she embraced the information and implemented a comprehensive leadership development action plan. She was promoted two levels within a year.
Acting as key advisor to CEO…
The CEO's staff consisted of highly talented functional experts. Within their own areas, each of them provided a depth and breadth of expertise that was hard to find elsewhere. The competitive marketplace was changing, though, and the CEO's staff was beholden to an old way of doing things. To increase his ability to move the business forward, he needed an objective sounding board and some fresh thinking. We operated behind the scenes to help the CEO expand his horizons, test out new approaches, and develop ways to guide his staff to see things in a new way. The company has made significant progress in entering new market segments and in attracting new customers.
What Clients Say:
I am living proof of the benefits of your executive coaching. In addition to being more effective in my present role, I am significantly more motivated to continue my career with my current employer.”
- Sr. Executive, Major Pharmaceutical Company
From a recent coaching candidate, here’s some of the things you taught me, “There is no try; Blame no one…Expect nothing…Do something!”
- Thank you for your motivation!